Monthly Night Live - 6.15.21 - 7pm

Monthly Night Live - 6.15.21 - 7pm

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 at 7pm cst, on Zoom

This is our monthly virtual class offering, that replicas our popular Wined Down Wednesday - a Community gathering led by Sass N Strut Founder and Director, Serese Brown. In this virtual offering you get to check in with your community, bring along your favorite beverage and follow along to Serese's Slow Jams Mirrored Movement.

This class is donation based. Once registered, you will receive your Zoom login details 30 minutes prior to the event start time.

We are a proud monthly donor to Six Square and Austin Justice Coalition, and hope you are just as honored as us to know that a portion of your contribution is going towards a greater cause for our local BIPOC Community. Please spread the word about our offerings, and consider donating extra, if you are capable.

We love and appreciate you!